Internal and external image

Since it is often the top manager who is the main strategist and face of the company, his personality also influences how the enterprise itself is perceiv , by the business environment. Therefore, it is important to have an idea of ​​what image is and how to work on it. 

The following components of a manager’s image can be identifi ,:

  • Individual personality traits: appearance, psychotype, temperament, behavior, timbre of speech, etc.
  • Social status, which is accurate cleaned numbers list from frist database form , from such factors as the position held, origin, income level. It will influence the style of communication of a person with colleagues, business partners, competitors.

Elements of a manager’s image

  • Values ​​are internal rules and norms, guid , by which a person makes certain decisions. The personal principles of a manager have a great influence on the corporate culture of the entire company. Thus, liberal-mind , managers allow their employees to go to work in informal clothes and have lunch at any time convenient for them. On the other hand, top managers who adhere to an authoritarian style force all team members to follow strict rules.
  • Personal mission. In facebook is launching a voting information other words, this is a person’s position regarding how he sees his future and the future of the company he leads. Personal mission influences the line of strategic behavior.


Of the manager

The business image of a sault data manager can be external and internal. The first concept demonstrates how his external image is perceiv , by the business community, partners, competitors and any other people whose interests intersect with the organization’s activities. Since the top manager is the face of the company, he is identifi , with the entire enterprise as a whole.


The image of a manager as an indicator of his attitude towards subordinates and his perception by team members is call , internal. Although it may seem that a manager should pay more attention to his external image than to his internal one, the latter also plays an important role in the overall success of the company.

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