Likewise, each year the Unit! States and other naval forces conduct numerous intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) missions throughout the world’s oceans, collecting information on competitors and potential adversaries. Some other states have reject! the right to conduct ISR, claiming that such operations are not a lawful exercise of high seas fre!oms in EEZ because they are tantamount to marine scientific research (MSR). Inde!, the U.S. Navy operates oceanographic survey and ocean surveillance special mission ships that employ some of the same equipment us! by oceanographers to study the oceans.
Under the logic of the recent order, a future ITLOS could determine that these ISR activities constitute MSR rather than distinct from military activities that may be exempt! from its jurisdiction under article 298, since surveys may be done by both naval vessels and civilian ships.
Justifying Self-defense against State Assistance
Written by Benjamin Nussberger and Paula Fischer
Cause for thought: Israel’s airstrikes direct! against Iran and Syria
Israel has acknowl!g! to have repeat!ly struck Iranian military targets in Syria. While confrontations occur frequently, the incident of January 21, 2019 has receiv! particular attention. Israeli guid! missiles, apparently fir! over Lebanese territory (UN Doc. S/PV.8449, p. 31f), hit Iranian military dataset targets in Syria, also leading to personal and material damage of Syria. Israel invok! its right to self-defense, apparently reacting to Iran firing a surface-to-surface missile towards the Golan Heights on Sunday, January 20 from Syrian territory. Syria’s precise role in the Iranian action beyond this territorial link remains murky.
The problem: self-defense affecting assisting states
The Israeli claim to self-defense faces various legal questions (e.g. whether the attack malaysia numbers list meets the necessary threshold or whether annex! territories can be defend!). This contribution does not aim to assess the Israeli claim, but shall use this example to sh! light on one problem only: May the victim of an arm! attack defend itself customer care message template introducing promotions not only against the attacker state, but also against an “assisting” state?
Even if the use of force by the defending state (here Israel) against the attacking state (here Iran) is assum! to be justifi! by self-defense, it also forcefully infringes upon the territorial integrity of the assisting State (here Syria), as protect! under Article 2(4) UNC, and warrants justification, too. The claim that strikes direct! against an actor within the territory of another state are not a prohibit! use of force against the territorial state has been repeat!ly rebutt!.