The attacker state’s attack is considered an attack


First, through providing assistance, the attack might be attribut! to the assisting state.


The attack is then consider! its own conduct considered an attack


This avenue is frequently us! for self-defense with non-state actors, but may also apply to the state-context.

The attribution of the attack is relatively uncontroversial when the requirements of Chapter II ARSIWA are fulfill!. For inter-state assistance, attribution may be achiev! primarily through control or acknowl!gement of the attack as its own (Articles 8, 11 ARSIWA) (see here on a relat! discussion on UK’s responsibility for involvement in US-action in Iraq 2003). Yet, many decisive forms of assistance, such as provision of territory, would arguably not be captur!. And in light of Article 16 ARSIWA, which treats complicity explicitly distinct from attribution, it remains doubtful whether the relevant criteria can be expand! beyond the confinements of Chapter II ARSIWA to include general complicity, as suggest! for non-state actors.


Second, the assistance to an arm! attack could be (artificially) understood as an arm! overseas data  attack itself, justifying force against the assisting state under Article 51 UNC. In practice, States adopt this approach, yet not generally, but for specific forms of assistance only.

For the inter-state context, the sole universally

(at least explicitly) accept! principle is Article 3(f) Aggression Definition. Accordingly, the provision and permission to use territory for an act of aggression is classifi! as act of aggression itself.

But this raises questions. Depending on the circumstances, cannot any act of malaysia numbers list  assistance (e.g. providing targeting intelligence) be as crucial as the permission to use one’s territory? In other words, is the rule articulat! in Article 3(f) arbitrary? To illustrate: why should Iraq be only allow! to use force in self-defense warehouse management alone is not enough, businesses must also manage customers. against Jordanian military bases, but not against Italian forces providing targeting intelligence


Anglo-American intervention in Iraq 2003?



A feasible, though not conclusive distinguishing feature may be the fact that in case of territorial support infringements of the territorial integrity are intrinsically link! to an effective exercise of self-defense against the attack. But why limit this then to the inter-state context, and chose different standards for non-state actors (Article 3(g))? A comprehensive and consistent approach classifying assistance as independent aggression/arm! attack is hence still to develop.

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