What inspired you to start your own business?

The idea that time left in the hypermarket can be spent more productively l to the idea of ​​creating a service that would solve this problem. At the beginning of the development, it was assum that the supermarket staff would independently work with customers, sort and deliver. The main goal was to set up earnings from interest going through the supermarket operations. It was assum that everything necessary for the start would be done in 6 months.

Start-up capital

At the time of its creation, igooods had only its own investments. We analyz the market, test hypotheses, and made calculations to ruce costs. After a deep analysis, we decid that outsourcing the creation of MVP software was more cost-effective. It was obvious that developing brand positioning would take two months, and creating software would take six months, but it would be irrational to look for specialists for these tasks. Half a million rubles were spent on creating the concept of outsourcing. According to the final calculations, this turn out to be more profitable than hiring a permanent team.

Where the first employees were sought

The first employees were whatsapp number list found through an open search using standard methods. Previously establish connections were not us What inspired to resolve this issue. As soon as we manag to hire line personnel, we assign them responsibility for recruiting. The motivation was an additional fee for a well-chosen employee. The method prov effective, and we soon fill the staff. The number of employees increas, and the quality of work remain the same as during the HR department’s activity.

Launch of the first advertisement

When we first launch agb directory What inspired igooods, the e-grocery sector was underdevelop. We decid to implement contextual advertising, but we miss the mark. Requests for grocery delivery services were too small in meta shares the four signals that influence video volume. Selecting indirect phrases also did not provide much traffic, so we set up searches through requests for hypermarket addresses, special offers, specific products and categories.


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