“Be wise, oh my pain…”


No one is better plac than the poet to give form to these moments when our suffering body is nothing more than chaos Be wise .  Whether it refers to emptiness, like dizziness before an abyss, or to the overflow of suffocation in anguish, in pain, it is inde a ruction that is involv – as we hear in the expression “ruc to”: this body, become a pure heavy object over which we have no control, or rather our feeling of existing ruc to the breaking .

It is from Be wise having want

enigma of the body that resists measurement and refraction of organic dysfunction that psychoanalysis was born. If accurate clean numbers list from frist database  Freud took seriously the pain of the so-call hysterics, it is precisely by refusing to restrict them to this body objectifi by science, society, the gaze of fathers, by identifying in their words to what extent the painful organ construct a significant  the importance of personalization in mobile commerce topography. But it is then another face that is reveal to Freud, that of the obscure satisfaction of the symptom, as much as the way in which pain can precisely allow one to come and locate enjoyment in a painful point [2] .

We must therefore also consider

on the other side of a whole psychosomatic field, that sometimes stubborn pain has nothing to say, and that then it is another vietnamese offer  use of speech that we must practice, by naming for example. From the revival of the signifying chain stopp dead by the intrusion of the sexual to the conduct of a cure rather orient by the non-sense, it is therefore to a whole range of practices facing the suffering body that this issue introduces us, as many know-hows with the most intimate as well as the most universal of our experience as speaking subject.

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