Absent body, suffering body: representing pain

In 1512-1516, Matthias Grünewald paint the Isenheim Altarpiece representing pain . The central panel of this polyptych depicts.  Christ on the cross and over the centuries it has become the paragon of the “Schmerzenmensch. the man of sorrows. Sacr art of the Middle Ages and the.

Renaissance may have had the function of helping the viewer to process his pain.

What do representing pain we see?

A man of disproportionate dimensions is dying on the cross. Perhaps he is passing from life to death, as evidenc by his relax grin and the blueness of his lips. His bloody and contract body is riddl with thorns. At his feet on  phone number list the left.Of a more modest size, the Virgin Mary, Saint John and Mary Magdalene afflict implore him. On the right, Saint John the Baptist, unharm, points at him.


We read: “Illum opportet crescere, me autem minui” (He must increase and I must decrease – John, 3, 29-30 ) … We also see the the history of mobile commerce dates back  Lamb of God whose sacrifice takes away the sin of the world. History tells us that the altarpiece was exhibit in the Antonine convent in Issenheim. This order of healing monks welcom victims of “burning sickness” or “Saint Anthony’s fire”.

The exemplary presence of this tortur Christ

expos to the eyes of the sick, was suppos to allow them to put their own pain into perspective and to endure it while waiting for Paradise.


This consoling and cathartic function, accessible to the reason of the contemporary spectator steep in religious culture, is perhaps no longer evident today, even if we can recognize the evocative power of the work. Everything happens  vietnamese offer  as if the multipli suffering of the grieving Christians had found its appeasement by converging towards the degrad figure of Christ.

This particular form of identification, which can be compar to that of which Freud speaks in Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego by organizing it from a negative point of view (it is not a question of the ego ideal), indicates to us that pain is a phenomenon that can be expell from the body on condition that it is concentrat in an external object capable of receiving it.

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