Disadvantages of Colocation

Disadvantages of High costs. Purchasing equipment and installing it in a data center requires significant investment.

You need to set up and maintain the server from scratch – you will need a qualified specialist.

This type of hosting is suitable for companies that have their own server equipment and long-term scaling plans, as well as for sites with critical data when guaranteed privacy is needed.

Read also:

Moving a website to a new domain: how to do it right

Criteria for choosing a hosting provider

In addition to the type of hosting, it is important to choose gambling data china the right hosting provider. After all, the stability of the site and the success of the project as a whole depend on its technical capabilities and quality of services. Let’s list the main selection criteria.

Server location

This is the first thing you need to pay attention to. The law on information protection states that Russian companies must store users’ personal data on domestic servers. Therefore, if you work in Russia, then the servers must be located in the Russian Federation.

In addition, the location of the server affects the speed select cameras from the list on the right of data transfer. The closer it is to the site’s audience, the faster the pages load, since the data travels a shorter distance. So the closer the server is to your potential customers, the better.

Hosting provider reliability

Assess how reliable the company is and whether it can be trusted, this is indicated by the following:

  • Long-term presence on the market – 5 years or more.
  • A large number of domains under maintenance.
  • Open information about the company – legal address, registration data.
  • Positive reviews. They can be found in review sites or in the maldivian lads directories of hosting providers Hostings. info , Hosters.ru and Hostinghub .
  • High-quality technical support. There should be several communication channels, round-the-clock availability, and a quick response to requests. You can learn about the quality of technical support from reviews, or check their work yourself during a free trial period.

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