If you have not received some of the documents from the tax office, you will need to fill them out yourself. It is also possible to receive the documentation by mail. To do this, you need to put a special mark on sheet B and fill out an application in form No. 1A.
After registration
If the registration of the individual entrepreneur was successful and all the necessary documentation has been received, then it is finland number data advisable to perform the following actions:
- Check the data on the website Nalog.ru .
- Register with the statistics service and the Pension Fund (sometimes also with Rospotrebnadzor).
- Order your own seal if it is necessary for work. To do this, contact a specialized company and provide photocopies of your taxpayer identification number, passport and registration (on one sheet), OGRN and EGRIP.
- Open a bank account if you plan to organize non-cash transfers.
- Purchase and register a cash register (optional).
Reasons for refusal to register an individual entrepreneur
In some cases, you may be denied registration as an individual entrepreneur. There may be various reasons for this, some of how to open an individual entrepreneur which are described below.
You will be denied registration if:
- you did not provide all the documents or took them to the wrong place,
- made a mistake in the documentation,
- the data provided does not correspond to the actual data,
- The individual entrepreneur is already registered,
- you were declared bankrupt less than a year ago,
- there is a court order prohibiting you from engaging in business activities.
If you receive a refusal to register an whatsapp database individual entrepreneur, you can appeal it to the Federal Tax Service, and then go to court. But there is another option.