In the vicinity of the Thing: pain, anguish or mourning

Freud in 1926 in his work Inhibition, Symptom, Anxiety , put forward, he wrote, some “timid remarks” which remain completely relevant anguish or mourning .” When does separation from the object give rise to anxiety, when does it give rise to mourning and when perhaps only to pain?” [1] He add that “there is no prospect of providing answers. We will be content to find some delimitations and some indications anguish or mourning .”

Pain remains an invisible manifestation, not specularizable by science. It can also freeze in the expression of a mask of pain as at the beginning of the 20th century or find a form in the number that tries to give it visibility, by the analogical scale of pain for 30 years now. Pain also remains what is express in the cry, the complaint, sometimes more intense than the pain itself, specifi La Fontaine or the thunderous silence of petrification.

In micine it anguish or mourning was consider a

signal to maintain, was consider life-saving then useless; delivering no knowlge, it lost its prictive value. Judg by imaginary mical practice, then subjective, to be understood as relative to each person, it is recogniz today in the DSM V in its own right, as a somatoform disorder.

Chronic pain without organic cause is describ as neurofunctional! It is recogniz in its dimension of impossible to bear, systematically mobile database  treat in prevention , sometimes, even before its expression, a complaint or a request. Physical, moral pain, and anxiety being associat, or even confus, they are the the benefits of using ar in mobile shopping are numerous  subject of an identical preventive mication protocol in many cases, or even systematically for strokes, TCs, trauma, etc. (analgesic, anxiolytic, sleeping pill, antidepressant). However, pain remains a major reason for consultation and pain centers have long waiting lists.

The psychoanalytic approach

to pain can open up an unexpect and fruitful dimension for the psychoanalyst and the doctor . The experience of pain of the one who suffers presents itself as what is wrong with mical knowlge and for the subject.

The consequences diverge depending on whether the emphasis and especially the purpose of the conception of anxiety, depression (mourning) and pain is on the effect, therefore the signifier, or on the product, i.e. the object and vietnamese offer   the Thing. Thinking of pain as a partial drive, as Lacan invites us to do in the 1973 conference in Milan [2] , encourages us to answer Freud’s question and to situate pain in its relationship to existence and not only to being.

in this case caught between desire and duty, and the satisfaction of the drive on the body itself. In the case of mourning and its affects of depression, it is the loss of the object that he [ had ] that causes the pain.


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