Pew Research Center draws a political

 You can now block strangers from replying to your tweets Google announces new tools for remote eucation during the pandemic This tool offers free datasets for machine learning projects Google is testing personal business cards in its search results ES with Laure Delmoly. The  Kati Bremme. The  Diana Liu and Mathilde FloOn the threshold of adulthood. Focus on Generation Z study / report August 13. The  2020 Reading time. 5 min Share By Mathilde Floch. The  France Télévisions MeiaLab In the study ” On the Cusp of Adulthood and Facing an Uncertain Future.


 What We Know About Gen Z So Far

The  publishe in May 2020. The  the Pew Research Center cell phone database draws a political. The  demographic. The  sociological and digital portrait of Generation Z in the Unite States. 100% digital natives. The  “Gen Zers” have no memory of the world before smartphones. This ultra-connecte generation is also more multicultural and better eucate than previous generations. The  and more progressive on many political and societal issues.


 The  one in ten people eligible to vote

in the Unite States are Gen Zers. The oldest Gen Zers turn creating a profit maximization strategy 23 this year. The  and 24 million young people will be eligible to vote in November. A more eucate generation Gen Zers are on a different eucational trajectory than previous generations. They are less likely to drop out of school. The Pew Research Center study links this to the fact that these young people increasingly come from families with higher levels of eucation.


 In 2019

The  44% of Gen Zers ages 7 to 17 live belgium business directory with a parent who had a bachelor’s degree or higher. The  compare to 33% of Millennials at the same age. This overall trend toward continuing eucation among young Americans is logically accompanie by a decline in the number of young people working as teenagers . Only 18% of American teenagers (15-17 years old) were employe in 2018. The  compare to 27% of Millennials in 2002 and 41% of Gen Xers in 1986.



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