How to start a sales conversation relaxed

“At work, you have certain responsibilities that come with your job,” says Alwin. “On top of that, there are colleagues who comment or with whom you compare yourself. In addition, there are also customers who have expectations. Then try to stay relaxed. Of course, this also affects your sales conversation relaxed conversation, because who do you prefer to do business with as a customer? With someone who is relaxed, because then you as a customer get the feeling that that person can be trusted.”

The dynamics between fear and trust

“Stress is a form of fear. People experience this as very tiring, it narrows your vision and gives you a restless feeling inside. Many people try to rationally suppress this fear, which gives the fear more power over you and lowers your self-confidence. In addition, many people start to show procrastination behavior to postpone what they have anxious thoughts about. This often gives them an unpleasant feeling, since many people know deep down that postponing problems is often not the right solution. The solution is to accept that it is not bad to find certain situations exciting. That starts with recognizing, acknowledging and naming exciting situations. By accepting this, your self-confidence also increases. Having great confidence is the key to a convincing sales conversation in which you come across as trustworthy.”

Working from trust

“We all have a place, in our minds or physically, where we feel very comfortable. What I teach people in my trainings is that by describing that place for yourself, you can evoke a certain feeling in yourself. That is because your brain does not distinguish between something that happened in the past and something that is happening now,” Alwin explains. “Suppose you went to Italy two weeks ago and a colleague at work asks you how your holiday was. If you then describe in detail how the holiday was, you go back to that feeling that you had during your holiday. The more specific the situation, the better this works. And you can also apply this before you start a sales conversation. In this way you learn to have better access to that relaxed feeling.”

Tips from Alwin conversation relaxed

Before Alwin became a coach, he worked in sales for 10 hungary phone number library years himself, focusing on creating new business. During this period, Alwin managed the wix logo maker internal service and later fulfilled a role as an account manager in the field. With his experiences in sales and his experiences as a coach, Alwin has two more tips for those for whom sales conversations still cause stress:

  • Accept that every conversation can be exciting. Every conversation is different and sometimes you win and sometimes you lose; that is part of the sales profession. Accepting that you will sometimes be disappointed in such a conversation is important. And if you notice that you are having a hard time after a disappointing conversation, talk about it with people. If you keep it to yourself, you only make it bigger. Expression is the opposite of depression. The faster you express and allow a feeling, the faster it will let go of you!

Don’t worry too much about the emotions of your conversation partner conversation relaxed

You can’t know how someone feels, so don’t worry too much about that. We tend to make assumptions very quickly about how someone feels. And based on these assumptions we think we know whether a conversation will be successful or not. So don’t make assumptions but ask your questions from an open attitude, without prejudice, in every conversation. It sounds easy, but it requires something from you to school email list do this. Focus on the conversation and make sure you have a clear idea of ​​what you want to know and what you want to achieve. With the right energy and focus you will automatically notice that you dare to ask more and come across as more reliable and convincing to your conversation partner.

Now you have an idea of ​​how to start a sales conversation relaxed and with good energy. Make sure that during your conversations you do not put all this energy into making an appointment, but focus on the conversation. How do you do this? You can read it in our blog: “Focus not on the appointment but on the conversation” .

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