Tagging without comments


Tagging someone and then not getting a like. Besides being a bit painful… it also works against the algorithm. Sometimes people tag users to generate likes, or to reach their network. But if these people don’t respond to the post themselves, it can actually slow down the reach.

4. Repost
Reposting is out, it seems! And especially the variant with your own addition. At the moment, a like works more stimulating than reposting something. That was a surprising insight for me. A like works well, a comment even better. Especially if the comment is relevant in terms of content. Who reposts or responds also plays a role here. The influence of an employee is in any case smaller than that of someone from outside.

Private content and sad stories

In every LinkedIn training Corinne meets someone who is bothered by the amount of private stories. Especially in the past summer months it was a nuisance with all those holiday snaps. LinkedIn has announced that the algorithm has been adjusted so that this private content is shown in telemarketing data  the direct network, but for 2nd degree connections and is slowed down.

Corinne’s most important advice about LinkedIn? Make it interesting in terms of content. Tagging without  That will get you the furthest.

Phone in hand with socials

Instagram | Kirsten Jassies

Kirsten Jassies is a social media expert and trainer and shares her knowledge about  Tagging without  Instagram with us for this article. Tagging without comments

On Instagram, it’s easy to get ‘punished’ for sharing the wrong content. This punishment comes in various forms, such as blocking the reach of your post, removing audio from your video, blurring your content with a label, a warning to ‘sit still’ for 48 hours, not to do anything, or even deleting your account.

What is this ‘banned’ Instagram content that can piss off the algorithm?

1. Algorithmic Censorship
Using more than 30 hashtags may result in a search engine optimization united states america post being blocked.
Sometimes the content is not shared with followers, for example by using copyrighted music. This a deep dive into binary mlm software for entrepreneurs applies to music that is included with the video, not to music that you choose with your post from the system.

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