What should you pay attention to when cold calling?

Tip 1: Put the right person in the right place

Cold selling: either you love it or you hate it. The when cold calling? truth may lie somewhere in between, but the fact is that one person gets energy from scoring and the other from customer management. In sales terms, you have hunters and farmers. A farmer will not get very excited about a few days of cold calling per week. So don’t let a farmer do that! Leave that to the hunters, who are not afraid of being rejected and who will still eagerly look for new prospects after the umpteenth ‘no’.

Tip 2: Give cold calling time and ensure volume

Cold calling is not a ‘quick fix’. It is something for the long term. Therefore, do not give up if it does not immediately result in appointments. On average, 7 contact moments are needed before someone becomes a customer. So you have to sow first in order to be able to reap.

A large part of our own business consists of cold and lukewarm acquisition. For customers and for ourselves. And we are successful in that. So we know from finland phone number library our daily practice that it works. Only you have to invest time in it structurally. Because not everyone adobe color cc you approach becomes a customer. And not everyone answers the phone or has time for you. In practice, to realize those 7 contact moments, perhaps 3 or 4 times as many actions are needed. Do you not have that time? Then consider outsourcing cold acquisition. In the blog ‘What should you pay attention to if you want to outsource lead generation?’ you can read tips about outsourcing customer acquisition.

Tip 3: Come bring value! when cold calling?

Nobody likes a sales pitch. Especially not unsolicited. So don’t try to sell something right away, but come and provide value. Find out about your conversation partner school email list beforehand. What problem is he or she facing? How can you help your conversation partner? Focus on that in your conversation, e-mail or InMail. Only if your product or service can solve that problem, there is a reason to want to buy your product or service.

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