The capital was very bad then, as we had just managed to pay off all our debts. My business partner was my friend Andrey Mikhalev,. At first, everything we drew did not go anywhere and was created based on my own scripts. With these drawings, we opened a group on social networks, where we gradually published everything. That’s how we started to get going, and then everything went from there.
Search for customers
I looked for the an artist very america phone number list first clients for the studio myself: I walked around Mosfilm, offered the studio’s services, and also handed out my business cards. The first major job was drawing a video for Eurovision 2013 for Dina Garipova. With the profit from this project, we launched the company’s first full-fledged website. Later, social networks appeared, and there were even modest attempts to conduct an e-mail newsletter and make cold calls.
Now customers find us themselves. Word of mouth, exhibitions, targeting, our portfolio – all this brings new and new orders, so we are growing quite successfully and steadily. Personal connections in the film industry work especially well, since, despite the scale, the crowd here is quite narrow. Plus, storyboards turned out to be in demand, and almost no one was doing them professionally.
Search for employees
As for the employees, as I linkedin now lets you pin comments in a post mentioned, at first we worked with my friend, complementing each other with our skills and knowledge, but as the company grew, artists were agb directory needed. At first we looked among an artist acquaintances, since we all move in the same environment, later, of course, we began to broaden our horizons and look through ads. The best in this regard were job search channels in Telegram, as well as ads in our own social networks. Specialized and famous sites in this regard showed less return than we expected.