When we look at means to generate leads, we see two major differences between successful and less successful organizations. Those who managed to realize a turnover increase of more than 50% in the past (financial) year, have mainly obtained leads from:
- Online marketing (78%)
- Email marketing (56%)
They generated significantly more leads from this than companies that were less successful in the past year.
In addition, they managed to generate more leads than the rest through cold calling and telephone lead nurturing by their own sales team (33%) and through third-party digital events (33%).
Although most organizations focus on social media, online marketing, content and email marketing, not everyone is equally successful in this.
Generating leads through social selling
In organizations that managed to realize an increase in turnover in the past (financial) year, the sales team is better skilled in social selling than companies that performed less well. Social selling is entering into and nurturing valuable relationships with potential customers, via a platform such as LinkedIn. It is not directly about selling, but about building a personal, valuable relationship with prospects. The claim that social selling can ultimately lead to more new business is confirmed by the research.
If we look at how ICT marketers generate leads over the resources do successful years, we see a decline in social media in recent years: in 2019, 97% still used social media for lead generation , versus 75% this year. On the other hand, social selling is becoming more important: from 38% in 2020 to 51% in 2022. This could indicate that B2B marketers are slowly but surely making a switch from one-to-many to one-to-one marketing.
Marketing accountability resources do successful
In order to demonstrate your value as a Marketeer, you are partly dependent on Sales. Not only does (Inside) Sales follow up on marketing leads in most cases, Sales also plays an important role in administering conversations and lead statuses. Because Marketing is increasingly accountable and has to india phone number library report the impact of actions, we were curious whether MQLs are properly logged and tracked.
To the statement ‘In our CRM it is clear which agreements, quotes and deals have a marketing activity as a source’ 55% of the Marketeers answer wholeheartedly ‘agree’. Another 22% partially agree with this statement.
The statement ‘I know (approximately) what an MQL yields on average in turnover’ yields less unanimity: 53% (partly) agree and 47% (partly) disagree. It is therefore not always clear to the B2B Marketer what an MLQ yields on average in turnover. The lack of these insights makes it difficult to using ai in the banking sector have a fact-based discussion about the added value of Marketing in the commercial process.
Lead Generation Challenges resources do successful
Marketers at ICT companies see generating sufficient qualitative leads as the most important challenge (38%), just like last year. Now that physical events are possible again, this seems to be less problematic than in 2021, when lead generation was still a challenge for 52%.
It also remains a challenge to get the school email list attention of the target group online (36%) and to reach/catch the target group at all (34%). How do you distinguish yourself online, now that this channel has taken off in recent years? What content do you need to attract attention? How do you interact online? Content therefore remains a challenge in the context of lead generation:
- 30% find it a challenge to create converting content
- 28% find it a challenge to create relevant content